800 Adenauer I
800 Brandt II
800 charlotte
800 che2019
800 fertig goethe
800 guido
800 jagger
800 jean
800 marxz1
800 marxz2
800 musiker elvis
800 musiker marley
800 musiker marylin
Bohn art - logo
Fertig eishirsch
Fertig saarschleife1
Kahlo petra korr
Kahlo ursula korr
Logo bosaik schwarz
Monalisa fertig
Musiker elvis
Musiker marley
Musiker marylin
Musiker udo
Picknick 1
Stan oliver
Definition: Is it art?
Mosaic is an art form which uses small pieces of materials placed together to create a unified whole.
The materials commonly used are marble or other stone, glass, pottery, mirror or foil-backed glass, or shells.
The word mosaic is from the Italian mosaico deriving from the Latin mosaicus and ultimately from the Greek
mouseios meaning belonging to the Muses, hence artistic. Each piece of material is a Tessera (plural: tesserae).
The space in between where the grout goes is an interstice.
Andamento is the word used to describe the movement and flow of Tesserae.
The 'opus', the Latin for 'work', is the way in which the pieces are cut and placed.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosaic
The word "Museum" has the same source
Definition 2: Is it art?
dar klar! dakladar! nida klada ni da da da da dada ninida nihida dahida n!ida dida didadid nihi naha nor naja
Definition 3: Is it art?
Definition 4: Is it art?